Getting Into GSOC 2018 with LibreHealth

Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source organization and get…


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Micro in Microservices but Macro mindset and goals

Microservice Architecture +
Domain Team Mindset +
Business Unit Common Goals +
Customer First Mentality +
a great workplace = SUCCESS

This is one formula for success and I trust my senior leadership that we are making the right moves to succeed. I am also blessed to be a member of a great technical and product team.

I am talking about this because in the technical world, we as software engineers may think that the microservice architecture solves all your problems coming from a world of monolithic applications. A monolith has its place; microservice architecture has its place.

However, there are a lot of challenges in this transformation and it is not only a technical transformation (microservices and cloud); it is equally a team agile transformation. The most important thing to realize is that it is NOT a destination; it is a constant journey that needs to be enjoyable.

Thank you for reading this short article. Keep geeking out!

Almir Mustafic

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